


Taisei Nakamura (中村太誠)

Age 24 (Born in September 1998) Born in Japan Living in Tokyo

Current Job :

Technical Assistant at AIST (Permatemp)

Digital Architecture Research Center | AIST

Software Engineer at AKARI Inc. (Intern)

燈株式会社/AKARI Inc.

Recently graduated from Tsukuba University with a Master's degree.

Likes🎈 Expanding my knowledge, Learning, DIY, Unreal Engine, European Soccer, YouTube

Expertise💪 Point cloud processing, Real-time CG (especially Unreal Engine), XR, Digital twin, photogrammetry, IoT

Ever since high school, I have been a frequent DIYer. When I was 20 years old, while studying abroad in Thailand, I spent six months building a personal boat, floating it on the river, and as a result, it instantly sank in the water. That defeat led me to study technology and engineering.

In my third or fourth year of college, when I was directing a musical, I was searching for various ways of expressions, and that's when I started working with computer graphics.

Recently, I’ve been focusing on mixing the real and virtual, such as digital twin and XR.

Twitter:なかむらた (@isutothukue)

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Twitter:中村太誠 (@tsukuba22_mr1)

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